Whether consulting on a product or service, John Zogby StrategiesSM command of culture and demographics, combined with our capabilities as a market research company and expertise in finding the meaning of the data, can help you locate your position in the market. We’re specialists in both data and people and know how to bridge the two together to help you gain a real edge.
- Live call, robo call, and online survey methodologies including detailed and specific survey data collection for one-time polls or tracking polls for a specified period of time. As an online polling service, John Zogby StrategiesSM has a versatile variety of virtual and in-person polling options for your specific needs and budget.
- Market research to gain a competitive edge in political and corporate settings.
- Survey instrument design, analysis, and insights including opinion polling analysis for the best insights into your past, present, and future.
- Jury selection research to find the most suitable jurors and venues for the best possible outcome in legal settings.
- Traditional and interactive focus groups that garner usable observations from the most relevant audiences. As a political polling service and occasional independent pollster, John Zogby StrategiesSM can use focus groups to help determine how to influence traditional bipartisan voting or independent polling.
- Dial testing to discover the best ways to motivate both your targeted base and the undecided in real time.
- In-depth interviews for the most exhaustive data on thoughts and attitudes of certain demographics.
- Brand tracking through both political and general public opinion polling.