Today on the podcast we’re going to touch on a host of issues and events, and underneath all of them asking ourselves ‘should we be optimistic?’
First, we’ll talk about the tribes and our ability to work together in this supercharged political climate. Can deep differences be bridged? Ultimately it is up to us to navigate both national and local forces – top down and bottom up, to find crossover and common ground. When left to ourselves does order occur?
How does media affect our ability to unite?
We’ll also talk about the recent shooting in Buffalo NY and whether race is address the root of this tragedy, or not.
Finally – did Trump have a good week? In Republican primaries across the country it appears the results have been mixed. How much does his endorsement matter to candidates in terms of its ability to push candidates over the top to a victory?
Thanks for tuning in this week – don’t forget to leave us your comments, and a reminder that The Zogby Report is available on all major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode. Have a great week.
Dad, please talk less and listen to your son MORE. He is much more balanced than you.