Today on the podcast let’s talk about late decision makers. A recent poll found that those who made up their minds within the last month were tipping towards Harris.

The suggesting from the poll is that late-breaking decision makers may break for Kamala Harris.  We’re not ready to agree with that but it does appear that what we’ve been saying right along is a possibility – the race may not be as close as the polls say, similar to what has happened in the Obama Romney election of 2008.

The 2nd poll we’re looking at is stark. The gender gap between young men and young woman is huge. Trump leads handsomely among young men, and Harris leads among young women. So who will turn out and possibly tip the election?

Let’s also look at the messages that are being pitched at the undecided voters, particularly as it relates to Trump. Is Harris spending too much time attacking Trump rather than her vision for the country?

Finally – sign up for our Election Eve Webinar! We’ll reveal out final numbers the day before the election at noon eastern. You can sign up for the live webinar, as well as an offer for you to get your own questions answered as part of that final poll. More details here >

Some of what you’ll get at the webinar include:

  • Key indicators for what’s driving voters to to booth
  • What was the top issue driving intensity?
  • We’ll zero in on suburban women, young men and young women and independents to see what drove their decisions.
  • Will voters accept the results of the election if their candidate doesn’t win?

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