Today on the podcast we’re going to look into the future and debate how historians will view the Trump presidency. We’ll provide our own takes on where Trump will rank as well as an analysis of how views of presidents have changed over time.

We’ll also make our own predictions of who will be voted Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. Let us know what you think by sending us an email to either or

We hope you all have a great week and we will see you next Friday.

Show Notes:
2:00 – How will Donald Trump be viewed in history?
It’s interesting to see how the ‘ranking’ of Presidents changes over the years and how they are perceived in history.

As we talk about how Trump will be thought of, we’ll also debate the positions of some of the most well-known and revered Presidents.

17:35 – Let’s look at how the Trump phenomenon was preceded by the Tea Party movement.

20:15 – Who will be Time’s Person of the Year?
Write to us and tell us what you think?

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