John Zogby Beyond the Horse Race book

Zogby Poll Reliability Lessons from Beyond the Horse Race

Zogby Polls have earned a place as an indispensable and crucial component in the research of public opinion, with continued contributions to knowledge about elections, as well as several timely social issues. Fully acquiring an understanding of how one correctly reads polls and interprets their reliability accurately necessitates examining lessons learned throughout many decades of…

John Zogby Beyond the Horse Race 1

Closing Remarks

Beyond the Horse Race, Chapter 9 Summary The final chapter of the recently released book by John Zogby, “Beyond the Horse Race, How to Read Polls and Why We Should,” knits together the defense by Zogby of the continued relevance and importance of polling in a world largely skeptical of its accuracy. Of course, some…

The Zogby 2024 Election Eve Poll Webinar We’re excited to share our last poll of the 2024 Races. Data presented includes topline data on The Five-way horserace and Two-way horse race, voters’ strength of support for their candidate, will voters accept or protest results if their candidate loses, top issues driving their decision to vote, who will control Congress, which candidate…